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Runes, Astrology and Tarot
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Runes, Astrology and Tarot

Throughout this book, I will help you begin your journey of enlightenment and show you the wonders that the runes have to offer. We will cover the rituals that will become the basis of all those that follow and we will touch on the spells that will become a part of your everyday life.

From Fehu to Othala, we will cover each rune meticulously and show you how to bring their wonderful energies into our modern world, where they are needed now more than ever.

We will cover the Norse people that brought them to us and the magic and divination that was passed down through the generations. What you will learn is that magic has always been around you, but until now, it has remained just out of reach.

Then I'll teach you everything you need to know about Tarot, by the end of the book you will discover:

- What are tarot cards and how they work

- Card Meanings and Interpretation; Upright and Reversed

- Card Layouts and Spreads: Three Cards Layout, The True Love Spread, The Success Spread.

- How to improve your reading skills by asking the right question

- How to use tarot cards to guide daily decision-making

Finally, I'll introduce you to the wonderful world of astrology. A certain level of insecurity vanishes once you discover how to properly read your own and other peoples birth charts as you can quickly realise your compatibility and shared desires.

Here is just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:

-History of Astrology

-Birth Charts

-Understanding your Signs

-Duplicity and Duality


-Zodiac Signs Compatibility in Love and Life

Let me take you to the starting point of your voyage and give you the tools you need to cast off on your journey of enlightenment.

Would you like to know more? Scroll up, hit the "buy now" button, and start this amazing journey!
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