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Money for Millennials
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Money for Millennials

The all-inclusive guide to managing your money in your 20s and 30s!

Money for Millenials provides you with the basic tools you need to manage your life and plan for your future financially. You will learn to manage every aspect of your personal finances, as well as strengthen your financial plan to yield better returns on your investments.

In this guide, you get-

- The basics of personal finance- creating and following a budget, learning to maintain a robust savings, and building an emergency fund.

- A more relevant look at online banking and best account options available.

- Honesty about credit cards, how to use them, and how to pay off debt judiciously.

- Innovative plans for paying off student loan debt and understanding your options if you choose to further your education.

- Advice on making big purchases such as homes and transportation.

- Tips on making the right choices when unemployed or underemployed, or lack employer-sponsored healthcare options.

- A thorough explanation of how to make the most of retirement plans- 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), etc.

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Наличие в магазинах

19,99 €

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