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Essential Tennis
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Essential Tennis


Ian Westermann

What's the number one thing stopping you from playing your best tennis?Ian Westermann, founder of the world's #1 online tennis instruction portal, Essentialtennis.com, will confidently say it's an obstacle you probably never thought of: The ball. You might think this sounds ridiculous. The whole point of tennis is to hit the ball over the net and in, so how can the ball be the thing that's standing in the way? In fact, this is why the ball is such an impediment: your desire to hit a good shot, with the right mix of power and spin, to a specific spot on the court, prevents you from striking the ball the way you should.

In Essential Tennis, readers - players and coaches, alike -- will learn how improving at tennis actually happens and how to easily implement these lessons and integrate them into better play on the court. Players will hit stronger shots, make fewer errors, and beat players who are currently beating them. Coaches will look differently at what it means to provide a student with a holistic learning experience.

Essential Tennis contains technique-based instruction for executing groundstrokes, volleys, and serves, as well as progressions, drills, and mindsets players should incorporate. Westermann illuminates strokes, movement, strategy, and mental toughness - all proven to be successful over 20 years with clients of all ages and skill levels.

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