Бесплатная доставка!
Kataloog heidab pilgu Eesti Meremuuseumi kogudes olevatele
aurulaeva mudelitele ja nende valmimislugudele. Koos lugudega mudelitest
käsitletakse ka mudelimeistrite elu- ja kujunemisteed. Eestlastele kuulunud
aurikud olid enamasti ostetud järelturult, mistõttu võib kataloogi võõrkeelne
lugeja endalegi ootamatuid „vanu tuttavaid“ leida.
This catalogue showcases models of steamships from the collections of the Estonian Maritime Museum and the stories behind them. Through stories about models, you can learn about the professional and personal lives of some of the best known modellists. The steamships owned by Estonians were rarely new, which is why a foreign reader of this catalogue may well come across a few “old friends”.