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Anatomy of Anxiety
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Anatomy of Anxiety


It's all in your head, right? Wrong. Psychiatrist Dr Ellen Vora challenges the conventional view of anxiety as a mental disorder, suggesting instead that much of what we call anxiety begins in the body. Rather than our troubled thoughts creating physical symptoms, she argues that many types of anxiety are the result of states of imbalance in our bodies, whether blood sugar crashes, caffeine highs or sleep deprivation.

Her clinical observation shows this type of anxiety is far more preventable than we may realise, responding almost immediately to straightforward adjustments to diet and lifestyle. Backed by the latest scientific research and Dr Vora's own clinical work, The Anatomy of Anxiety offers a fresh, much needed look at mental health, offering actionable strategies for managing our moods. She further argues that other forms of anxiety, when listened to and honoured instead of suppressed, can be seen as a course correction to help nudge us back to a more balanced life.

In her groundbreaking book, Dr Vora walks beside us through a healing process to reframe our relationship with anxiety, creating a more joyful and fulfilled life.

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