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Business client application

Business client application

Why should you become our corporate client?

Rahva Raamat is a respected and long-established book trader, the largest in Estonia. We aim to be the book business flagship known for its wide selection, quality service and delightful bookstores.

Rahva Raamat is a trustworthy partner – we value long-term relationships and offer many rewards:

  • Base discount from 5%;
  • Special offers for larger purchases and free courier delivery;
  • Book suggestions, personal consults and expert service.

Rahva Raamat’s customers have the privilege to choose from the best selection of books in Estonia – our bookstores sell more than 300,000 different titles in Estonian, English and Russian, but also Finnish, German and some other languages. If they're not out of print, any foreign titles unavailable in our stores can be ordered from all over the world.

Should you want to become a corporate customer, please fill in the following form or send an e-mail. There are no costs involved!

With best regards,

Your Rahva Raamat

Marika Kuldkepp
Head of Business Clients
Tel +372 6180028