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Summary of Old School: Life in the Sane Lane by Bill O'Reilly

Summary of Old School: Life in the Sane Lane by Bill O'Reilly
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Summary of Old School: Life in the Sane Lane by Bill O'Reilly

Old School: Life in the Sane Lane by Bill O'Reilly | Book Summary | Readtrepreneur
(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book, but an unofficial summary.)

The Old School lifestyle is trying to be suppressed, is this the right call? Or is the traditional way the best way? According to Bill O'Reilly, the contemporary world consists of getting triggered and complaining about everything instead of focusing on the actual important things. Old School tries to remind us the importance of the traditional philosophy and helps you see if you are a "Snowflake" or if you're part of the old school.
(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by Readtrepreneur. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)

"The idea that someone with a different upbringing, from a different part of the country, with a different outlook and a different viewpoint, might actually have something valid to say, something worth listening to." – Bill O'Reilly

It seems that all that you hear these days are the new generation complaining about social injustice and income inequality when they should be focusing in the traditional way of thinking and instead of thinking how to climb higher and higher and strive to become the best you have ever been. Old School tells you that you shouldn't spent all day criticizing others instead of improving yourself, do you agree with this mentality? Read all about the current social status of the world and how you can't avoid being a part of it and do better just following the traditional way, just by being Old School.

P.S. Old School is a great book that will teach you how the current way of thinking is failing and how can you improve it with the traditional road

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