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School of Mirrors
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School of Mirrors

During the reign of Louis XV, impoverished but lovely teenage girls from all over France are sent to a discreet villa in the town of Versailles. Overseen by the Kings favorite mistress, Madame de Pompadour, they will be trained as potential courtesans for the King.

When the time is right, each girl is smuggled into the palace of Versailles, with its legendary Hall of Mirrors.There they meet a mysterious but splendidly dressed man who theyre told is merely a Polish count, a cousin of the Queen. Living an indulgent life of silk gowns, delicious meals, and soft beds, the students at this school of mirrors rarely ask questions, and when Louis tires of them, they are married off to minor aristocrats or allowed to retire to one of the more luxurious nunneries.

Beautiful and canny Veronique arrives at the school of mirrors and quickly becomes a favorite of the King. But when she discovers her lovers true identity, she is whisked away, sent to give birth to a daughter in secret, and then to marry a wealthy Breton merchant.

There is no return to the School of Mirrors.

This is also the story of the Kings daughter by VeroniqueMarie-Louise. Well-provided for in a comfortable home, Marie-Louise has never known her mother, let alone her father. Capable and intelligent, she discovers a passion for healing and science, and becomes an accredited midwife, one of the few reputable careers for women like her.

But eventually Veronique comes back into her daughters life, bringing with her the secret of Marie-Louises birth. But the new KingLouis XVIis teetering on his throne and its a volatile time in Franceand those with royal relatives must mind their step very carefully.

Saadavus kauplustes

22,09 €

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