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`The dream team delivers big time... Clinton's insider secrets and Patterson's storytelling genius make this the political thriller of the decade.' - Lee Child
The President is Missing. The world is in shock.
But the reason he's missing is much worse than anyone can imagine.
With details only a President could know, and the kind of suspense only James Patterson can deliver.
Katrin Pauts soovitab: “James Patterson on USA popkirjanik, kes on rikas nagu kröösus (üks enimteenivaid kirjanikke kogu maailmas) ja tema omapära on, et tihtilugu teeb ta koostööd kaasautoritega. Seekord Bill Clintoniga isiklikult! Juba see fakt, et endine president on end millegi niisugusega sidunud, on pöörane. Raamat lendab lettidelt, huvilistel tasub kiirustada.”