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National Ballot Measures 2024
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National Ballot Measures 2024

National Ballot Measures 2024 - Living Democracy is my gift to the country that I love dearly and have always wanted to see it survive, thrive and improve.
Whenever I am forced to listen to a speech made by any of our Congressmen or women, I will often count the number of times they will refer to America as a 'Democracy'. They use that word an average of 15 to 20 times per speech.
They'll say things like - "Democracy is not pretty." Or they'll say, "Democracy is messy and people don't want to see how the sausage is made." Or they will say that people are trying to "end the 'American experiment in Democracy."
Or they'll quote one of the greatest of the founding fathers - Benjamin Franklin who was asked as the signers of of the Constitution were leaving: "Mr. Franklin, what kind of government have you given us?"
And Franklin replied: "A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it."
Today, it looks as though we are going to lose our half-ass democracy because the voters in this country are sick and tired for voting for the same old same old time after time. It's every Tweedle-Dee or Tweedle-Dumb, while in the states we are allowed to lower our taxes and legalize marijuana. The people are wondering why we don't do this on the National Elections. The reason we don't is covered in this book as well as complete instructions on how we can start using National Ballot Measures in every federal election and create our own national laws and policies.
We also include 100 of my favorite National ballot measures. We hope you will think of many more and help to force our election process into a Real Democracy soon. In the age of technology, the Internet and Artificial Intelligence it's a curiosity that we are not using our own innate intelligence to upgrade our ancient, worn out old voting systems.
If you still believe in keeping your freedom, if you still believe in democracy, if you still believe in America - you need to read this book.

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