Kogumikku on koondatud Riias peetud Euroopa Liidu ja NATO laienemise teemalise konverentsi materjalid.
Introduction. Atis Lejinš Keynote speech. NATO expansion: The view from Washington. Stephen S. Rosenfeld Transatlantic relations, the new EU and new NATO. Robert Nurick Comment. Prof. Dr. Karl Kaiser. General Mario Arpino Regional security consequences. Prof. Adam Daniel Rotfeld Comment. Per Carlsen. Dr. Arkady Moshes Debates The economic dimension of Baltic security - The Baltic Sea region in an enlarged European Union. Prof. Mika Widgren Comment. Marten Ross. Alf Vanags Russia and the EU: a common European economic space? Three viewpoints. Dr. Ksenia Yudaeva. Dr. Francoise Le Bail. Dr. Pekka Sutela Debates Concluding remarks. Dag Hartelius