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Art of Customer Service: The Ultimate Guide on How to Maintain Customer Relations, Discover the Best Customer Service Approaches That Could Help Retain Customers For Life

Art of Customer Service: The Ultimate Guide on How to Maintain Customer Relations, Discover the Best Customer Service Approaches That Could Help Retain Customers For Life
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Art of Customer Service: The Ultimate Guide on How to Maintain Customer Relations, Discover the Best Customer Service Approaches That Could Help Retain Customers For Life

Art of Customer Service: The Ultimate Guide on How to Maintain Customer Relations, Discover the Best Customer Service Approaches That Could Help Retain Customers For Life

There is more to customer service than just being polite to your customers. Customer service is an important element for any business operations because it retains your customers and allows your business to stand out from the rest of the competition. It is more expensive to attract new customers than to retain existing ones and research shows that if you are able to increase your customer retention to even just 5%, it would translate to between 25-95% increase in profits.

This audiobook will teach you all the important information about customer service. You will learn why providing great customer service is crucial for any organization. You will discover different strategies on how to provide exceptional customer service that would ensure your customer's satisfaction and loyalty.

This audiobook will discuss the following topics:

- Why is Good Customer Service Important?

- Understanding Your Customers-

- How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

- How to Keep Your Customers Happy?

- How to Get Your Customers to Say "Wow!"

- Proven Methods of Customer Retention

- The Are of Customer Follow-up

- Loyalty Marketing Program

- Promotional Items to Enhance Customer Relations

- Handling Customer Complaints

- How to Deal with Difficult Customers

- Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service

It might initially cost you extra resources, money, and time to improve your business's customer service but the benefits of providing excellent customer service will far outweigh the cost.

If you want to discover more strategies on how to provide exceptional customer service, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.

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Esimesed 14 päeva tasuta
Piiramatult audioraamatuid
Kuula internetiühenduseta
Võid tühistada igal hetkel
Edaspidi 12.99 € kuus