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A Life of Hope and Miracles

A Life of Hope and Miracles
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A Life of Hope and Miracles

"It was already 6:00 PM, and I had to be out of the country by midnight. Otherwise, I would be considered illegal."

If you are thinking about moving to Estonia, prepare yourself for the experience of a lifetime. No matter which road takes you to this "speck on a map," be ready for surprises.

No one had given this warning to Barbara von Normann-Coleman, who had already experienced in her life heartaches and struggles, as well as hope and joy. This book is about her journey filled with humour and deep emotion. As a survivor, she has overcome every obstacle as well as depression caused by culture shock. Eventually, she fell in love with Estonia and its people.

Barbara von Normann-Coleman is an American retired hospice nurse with over 30 years practice. Her first book, published in Estonian in 2017, is based on the materials of her lectures on the issues of death and dying. A new book, where she shares her professional experience, will be published in 2019.

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