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Italian Dicitionary and Grammar

Italian Dicitionary and Grammar
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Italian Dicitionary and Grammar

The home of trusted Italian dictionaries for everyday language learningAn up-to-date easy-reference Italian to English and English to Italian Collins dictionary and a user-friendly grammar guide in one handy volume. A clear layout, cultural notes and an easy-to-use, revised grammar section make this the ideal Italian reference for intermediate learners, whether at school, at home, or for business.

90,000 words, phrases and meaning and 120,000 translations will help those learning Italian take their language skills to the next level.

This edition has been updated to offer extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and Italian (for example, climate anxiety, pay gap, diretta streaming, scettico climatico), with thousands of phrases and examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation.A comprehensive grammar guide presents detailed examples and translations to help users to understand Italian grammar - the perfect complement to the dictionary.The clear typography gives the text a contemporary feel, and along with the helpful alphabet tabs, ensures that users find the information they need quickly and easily.

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