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50 Ways to Stay Warm

50 Ways to Stay Warm
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50 Ways to Stay Warm

These 50 excellent–and sometimes off-the-wall–tips will help you stay warm, indoors and out.

When the temperature drops and fuel prices are going through the roof, you need all the help you can get to preserve your body temperature. Whether you choose to slide your frozen feet under your partner's posterior, or get into bed and flap around like a stranded seal to warm up the sheets, you need never feel frozen again with the help of 50 Ways to Stay Warm.

From the obvious (wear layers, exercise) to the scientific (don't sit on cold surfaces, insulate with layers), and whether you are at home (close the curtains, let your pets sleep on the bed) or out of doors (dig a snow hole, keep your back to the wind), there are useful and sometimes humorous ways to prevent hypothermia, however low the thermometer drops, and however resistant your partner or housemate is to turning on the heating.

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