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Piret Raud

Piret Raud

Piret Raud

Piret Raud is one of Estonia's most renowned children's authors and illustrators, whose work has received widespread recognition both in Estonia and internationally. She comes from a well-known literary family—her parents are Eno Raud and Aino Pervik. Piret Raud studied graphic arts at the Estonian Academy of Arts but has dedicated herself primarily to writing and illustrating for many years.

Raud has written and illustrated numerous popular children's books, which have been translated into more than 14 languages. Some of her best-known works include "Ernesto küülikud" ("Ernesto's Rabbits"), "Sanna ja salakütid" ("Sanna and the Poachers"), "Lugu väikesest majast, kes tahtis olla kodu" ("The Story of the Little House That Wanted to Be a Home") and "Tobias ja teine B" ("Tobias and the Other B"). Her books are filled with imagination, warmth, and playful humor, offering young readers memorable literary experiences.

In recent years, Piret Raud has also begun writing for adults. Her novel "Verihurmade aed" ("The Garden of Blood Medlars") received the A. H. Tammsaare Literary Award, and her short story "Pink" ("The Bench") won the Friedebert Tuglas Short Story Award.

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