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The Physical Science of Consciousness

The Physical Science of Consciousness
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The Physical Science of Consciousness

The purpose of this book is to provide the essential concepts and terminology for the Physical Science of Consciousness.
In this book, we provide the physical realities and processes for all aspects of thoughts, intelligence, and awareness.
The reader will also develop practical skills, including developing his perception of objective reality, and modifying his subconscious operating beliefs.
Scientists will benefit, as we are providing the foundation for the science of consciousness.
Prior to this publication, the phrases of “consciousness” and “thought” have been extremely vague. Yet today we have an actual physical science for consciousness. We can now explain the structures and processes of consciousness, as actual physical entities and motions.
Everything in this book is explained simply and gradually. The reader does not need any previous background in these topics.
Topics explained in this book include the following:
1. Consciousness Defined and Explained
2. The Physical Reality of Consciousness Energies
3. Information and Thoughts as physical realities
4. Information Processing
5. Self-Awareness
6. The Voices in your Mind
7. Messaging Systems using Consciousness Energies
8. Perception versus Reality
9. Effective Communication of Thoughts
10. Intelligence Explained and Developed
11. Filtering and Sorting Systems
12. Memory Storage and Recall
13. Programming the Mind
14. Practical Applications of Consciousness Energies
15. Accessing Realities Beyond the Senses
16. Telepathy and Webs of Consciousness
17. The Future of Humanity, with Advanced Consciousness
Author Background: Masters Degree in Engineering, with first job manufacturing microchips.
Combined with spiritual abilities, including the ability to see Consciousness Energies as they flow and aggregate.
Everything presented in this book is absolute physical reality, based on based on personal observations and experiences.
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