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Jewish Confederate Story

Jewish Confederate Story
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Jewish Confederate Story

The American Civil War was a defining moment in US history, and its underlying issue of slavery divided the nation. In this insightful historical investigation, author Samuel Jay Korson who writes from the perspective of his own Jewish faith, sheds light on the experiences of Jewish individuals living in the Confederacy during this tumultuous time. Southern Jews found themselves in a complex position, facing a conundrum that forced them to navigate a double-edged sword. Living in a majority Christian society where many participated in slavery and anti-Semitism ebbed and flowed, many Southern Jews opposed slavery on moral grounds, while others participated in various aspects of a slave society to assimilate into their communities. Despite practicing their faith and observing important Jewish holidays like Passover, Hanukkah, and Shabbat, Southern Jews were caught in the middle of a divisive issue that even Jewish clergy struggled to reconcile. Using Jewish law (halacha), rabbis in both the North and South vehemently argued both sides of the slave issue. Through this compelling exploration, readers gain a deeper understanding of how the Civil War affected not only the United States, but also the Jewish community as a whole. By examining the experiences of Southern Jews during this pivotal moment in history, Samuel Jay Korson reveals a unique perspective on a complex and multifaceted topic.
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