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Estonia 1918-1994
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Estonia 1918-1994

Raamat kirjeldab inimõiguste arengut Eestis 20. sajandil, vaadeldes perioodi alates Eesti iseseisvumisest 1918. aastal läbi Nõukogude okupatsiooni tänapäevani välja.

Raamatu autor on Eestist väljarännanute järeltulija.

The purpose of this book is to describe the development of the rights of the inidividual in Estonia during the 20th century. The book examines the state of human rights during the first phases of Estonian independence and during the various phases of Soviet occupation. In also outlines the various movements which have taken part in the struggle for Estonian independence and for the rights of each individual Estonian. The book concludes by highlighting the steps taken by the post 1991 Estonian state to restore the rights of the individual and recreate a democratic society based on the rule of law.
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