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A Love Alchemist's Notebook: Magical Secrets for Drawing Your True Love into Your Life

A Love Alchemist's Notebook: Magical Secrets for Drawing Your True Love into Your Life
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A Love Alchemist's Notebook: Magical Secrets for Drawing Your True Love into Your Life

Would you like to know the secrets to attracting your soul mate and feeling profound love every day? With this hip and fun guide, you'll learn to use the rules of attraction, magic, astrology, and your intuition to attract the man of your dreams and experience true, soulful love.
Jessica Shepherd joyfully reveals the Nine Soul Mate Secrets, offering insight into all aspects of creating and maintaining love, such as how to focus on loving yourself, open up to love from others, and trust your intuition. You'll engage in fun, hands-on spells, rituals, and meditations to explore your heart and grow spiritually. The Nine Soul Mate Secrets will also reveal how to:
Break bad karmic patterns • Move beyond difficult relationships
Learn from past mistakes • Overcome your fears
Tap your magnetism with your Venus sign
From avoiding relationship "potholes" to understanding karmic soul mates?and the invaluable lessons that they teach us?to casting love spells under a waxing moon, this love-focused astrology book holds the key to achieving long-lasting love with your true soul mate.
"Shepherd's approach is rooted in fundamentals--self-confidence, wisdom, and patience--and effectively makes working toward personal growth and enlightenment fun. A welcoming oasis for those who feel stranded by lower-you-expectations dating guides." -Publishers Weekly, starred review --February 8, 2010
"A Love Alchemist's Notebook is a worldly and wise guide to finding a spiritual partner. Jessica Shepherd reveals in detail the practical magic that will work for anyone ready to connect with great love."?Holiday Mathis, author of Rock Your Stars
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