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ZOM-B Goddess
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ZOM-B Goddess

The final, heartstopping installment from master of horror, Darren Shan. What will become of B Smith? And is apocalpyse nigh?! `It's been a ride worthy of an apocalypse, and Mr Darren Shan has given us another crazy collection of novels that inspire and intrigue' Bookblog Bonanza Where can you turn when you've run out of options? What card can you play when the deck's stacked against you? Is there any hope in a world of the lost? Double-crossed again, B is confused, enraged and broken. But the battle isn't over. The end is nigh, but there are plenty of horrors to come. And who will survive? The zombies? The humans? Or worse . . .? 'Zom-B Goddess doesn't disappoint. We get another huge twist, another big moment for B to shine and a suitably mind-blowing ending to a series that has made me gasp in shock at least once per book.' So Many Books, So Little Time 'This last instalment of Darren Shan's zombie series is epic. It's as full of graphic gore as you could wish, has a plot twist on every other page, and includes the biggest battle of the sequence yet.' The Bookbag `Wow. I did NOT see that ending coming. Even down to the wire, Shan's got tons of surprises up his sleeve, and he deploys them by the megaton.' Reader, Writer, Fanboy.

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