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Homo Sapiens: The History of Humanity and the Development of Civilization

Homo Sapiens: The History of Humanity and the Development of Civilization
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Homo Sapiens: The History of Humanity and the Development of Civilization

Explore the fascinating history of humankind and its many wonders in this highly-visual hardback guide, richly illustrated throughout with full-colour photographs, timelines, maps and more.

In just a blink of geological time, the human species emerged and spread to every corner of the globe, subjugating the new environments they came across to their will. But how did humanity become so dominant so quickly? And what did they then do with this new power?

Homo Sapiens tells the story of the species from its earliest evolutions through the development of the first civilizations up to the industrial and information revolutions that have shaped the modern age. William Potter's thrilling new account asks us to reconsider our traditional notions of history by examining the power of the environment, the influence of language, the ideas that have transformed society, the power of transformative technology, and much, much more.

Filled with beautiful illustrations throughout and helpful easy-to-read information panels, Homo Sapiens presents the history of the species in a bold and brilliant new fashion.

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