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Get Started Investing

Does the stock market seem too complicated? Do you think that investing is only for those with more money? Do you want to start investing but don't know where to begin? This is the guide to investing you've been waiting for. Investing in the stock market has never been more accessible. Alec and Bryce show why the stock market has been the most powerful money-making machine that has ever existed and how you can access it with just a few spare dollars.

They break down the jargon and give you all the information you need to build the confidence to get started today. They explain how to use online investment platforms, managed funds and exchange-traded funds, what to invest in and what to avoid, how to keep it simple, and why the biggest risk is not investing. Get Started Investing draws on advice from over 150 expert investors from around the world, and stories from everyday small investors just like you.

Whether you're in school, building your career or nearing retirement, Alec and Bryce will help to make your money work for you. 'I'm a massive fan of these two blokes. They cut through the jargon to help anyone switch from being a saver to an investor.

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