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Ellie's Voice: or Troeoeoemmmpffff

Ellie's Voice: or Troeoeoemmmpffff
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Ellie's Voice: or Troeoeoemmmpffff

"On the sandy shore of a big sea lived a bird named Ellie who had no voice. "Everything else has a voice," Ellie thought sadly. "The trees rustle. The waves crash. Even the rain sings when it falls." "I'm the only one who can't make a sound." Ellie felt tears well up in her eyes-that's how sad she was to be voiceless. Ellie's life is turned upside down when she finds a curious instrument on the shore that makes the most amazing sound when she blows into it: Trèoèoèommmpffff! Creatures come from near and far to hear Ellie's magnificent new voice. But when Ellie learns that the horn actually belongs to Duke Junior who is desperately unhappy without it, she goes on an adventure to return the horn to its rightful owner. After days and nights of searching, she finds Duke Junior on an island in the middle of the water. To her surprise and delight, Duke Junior doesn't just toot Trèoèoèommmpffff on the horn... he plays the most beautiful music! Ellie is so happy that Duke Junior has his horn back and can produce such lovely sounds that she's content listening to his tunes and being herself"

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