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Dividend Investor
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Dividend Investor

Rodney Hobson, author of bestseller Shares Made Simple, is back with a brand new book designed to help you build a balanced share portfolio that provides dividend income, whether you're just starting out or ready to retire.

Dividends - the distribution of part of a company's earnings to shareholders, usually twice a year - can be a valuable income stream for anyone. Designed for longevity but particularly pertinent in times of low interest rates, The Dividend Investor is packed with real-life examples and analysis of how to gain such

added income through reliable shares with healthy dividends.

Topics made simple with Hobson's classic style include: ratios, yield, dividend cover, the dividend payout ratio, total return, cash flow, burn rate, gearing or leverage, interest cover, earnings per share and the price/earnings ratio. Plus the advantages and disadvantages of shareholder perks.

If you're looking to make the most from your investments, then this book is for you.

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